
Presupuesto de tesoreria 1.0

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Presupuesto de tesoreria


Check your company's liquidity

Presupuesto de tesoreria 1.0 - Download 1.0

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Although a company can be profitable it can, at the same time, present problems of liquidity (ie available cash) because the liquidity depends on the development of collections and payments instead of income and expenditure. Then, against the static analysis of liquidity through ratios, there is another option which is the study of dynamic collections and payments, and from them, funding requirements and expected cash balance.

Cash budget is an EXCEL document with formulas that will determine in advance the situation of liquidity of a company and therefore we will be able to anticipate possible problems and if necessary, seek appropriate forms of financing.

Input the summary budget into the Excel book and it will output the excess or deficit, the financial needs and expected cash balance. It will also show graphic analysis and calculate trends.

Keep your business with cash always available. Download Presupuesto de tesoreria from our servers quickly and securely.
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